Pretty in pink pancakes
Pretty in Pink Pancakes..
• 2 cups of prepared pancake batter
• Betty Crocker neon food colouring gels
• Prepare a non-stick griddle by spraying its inside with cooking spray. Evenly distribute the spray over the inside of the griddle with the help of a paper towel.
• Use the different shades of pink food colour to colour some of the pancake batter. Now fill squeeze bottles with the pancake batter.
• Squeeze out the outline of each design you have in mind onto the griddle and then detail the designs with more coloured batter. Let the designs dry for a few minutes, and then squeeze in the fill colour.
• Over moderate to low heat, cook the pancakes in the griddle for around 5 minutes until topside of each pancake has bubbles that keep bursting. Flip the pancakes over in the griddle and then keep on cooking for 5 to 7 minutes until the pancakes are golden brown on the back.
• Remove from the griddle and serve once the pancakes are cooked through or store them in the oven set at 93°C till you are ready to serve.
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